Mostly Uncertain


Nope – not me!

I think I am going to use another medium for some of my writing, which I hope will be a little different than what you find here. Less graphics, less images, less links, less ranty – haha, me less ranty?

I’m not certain of much – hence the newsletter title of Mostly Uncertain – but I am certain that this is an experiment to broaden and deepen my writing. It would an honor if you would join me. And if you already have – thank you!

(Do I have to offer the disclaimer, no spam, no this or that, no sharing your email, etc. This is legit, I have only undertaken it after subscribing to a number of other newsletter format writing! )

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5 thoughts on “Mostly Uncertain

  1. Moses wrote on a couple of rocks he found laying around – well four actually. Jesus wrote in the sand. The Qumran community wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls on papyrus whilst the medieval monks used goose quills on parchment. The important point about all these ways of communicating is that it is not the medium used but the message that is important; a point I am sure you will have in mind. Anyway, sign me up to this new fangled thing.


  2. Fran, I’m in. (Even if you wrote “less” when the word called for is “fewer.” 😛 Sorry – been totally immersed in language and writing this week.) I believe you have my email address: mike [hyphen] christie [at] outlook [dot] com.


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